Saturday, July 15, 2006

Tour de Chance

This blog was supposed to be about the Tour de France and then some other thoughts leaked in. So I will go first with the Tour and then branch out a bit. I love this tour. It is democratic and everyday brings new challenges and new excitement. Cyclists you never heard of representing Russia, the Ukraine on teams that had taken a second fiddle to Discovery for 7 years have suddenly stepped forward. Lance's retirement and Doping have removed key players and it is a free for all every single day. No team is controlling the break(s) or jersey and everyone seems nicer. It has become clear that without Lance there is not the same "will to win" or leadership on Discovery. Without Jan, and Ivan, and Valverde the other teams have risen and blossomed; like Rabobank making you wonder if what is being revealed is a level playing field sans drugs.

Insert - I now digress. I was driving to work on Friday and 3 teenage girls were pushing a car into Circle K (apparent car trouble) the two who were actually pushing were celebrity thin in shorts - the chunkier one of course apparently owned the car and so was steering. My thought (why is it that it is always the girl with the big ass that owns the car?

Back to something that actually belongs with the tour blog. It is refreshing that I don't have to pay Espn Insider or Rivals or Scout for News of the Tour. It is FREE! like Sports News used to be and should be. The Media creates an appetite for news. Without their McDonald's like marketing most of us would ignore Paris Hilton, and Angelina & not get worked up into a frenzy about something we don't care about; what is Politically Correct without Media Push? So Viva la France and Viva la Tour!

I wish Journalism was a bit more honorable but I think I will take that thought and just say Goodnight and Goodluck and save it for another post.


Monkey's Max said...

Have you heard that the riders are complaining that the individual stages of the Tour de France are too demanding this year? Apparently the Tour organisers are more concerned with maximum commercial benefit and having the riders finish in the right towns each day than they are with the well-being of the riders.

Sara J said...

Hey, when are you going to post your Literary Meme response?