Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cousin Inspired Poem

I remember the smells, of so long ago
some with longing and some not so...

strange cooking smells of cabbage or fish
and the loving smells of lokshen and knish...

summer nights on the boulevard front lawn
with multiple cousins all who were drawn
to mingle and gossip and chase one another
introductions a plenty to neighbors and others...

the smell of newly cut grass and evening crickets
catching fireflies and ice cream delicious....

laughing as louie did sarah's bidding of course
yelling for the phillies til all our voices were hoarse
and out of the shadows came Beadie and Honey
to remind us that family was better than money.

cousins and family the moveable feast
time and space won't diminish it in the least.

another chapter opens and our reunions are few
we are older, and sadly a much smaller crew

But cousins first and second and further apart
those that live close and those just in my heart

lets toast the ones who gave us such a glorious past
and the brodies left to whom we can clasp.